Building Exterior Repair
The design of modern building has become more and more distinctive but relatively complex. At the same time, high-rise buildings become more and more common. The cleaning and repair of the exterior of the building will be a huge challenge in the future. But for the highly mobile and efficient industrial rope access team, these are not the problems. We can move around the most complex structures with safe industrial rope access techniques without being easily restricted.
The design of modern building has become more and more distinctive but relatively complex. At the same time, high-rise buildings become more and more common. The cleaning and repair of the exterior of the building will be a huge challenge in the future. But for the highly mobile and efficient industrial rope access team, these are not the problems. We can move around the most complex structures with safe industrial rope access techniques without being easily restricted.
- 當大樓在興建時工人可在鷹架上進行安裝,不過當鷹架拆除後要怎麼辦呢?
- 當吊車、高空作業車無法進入時要怎麼辦呢?
這個時侯,繩索技術高空作業就可以幫您的公司解決這類的問題,以雙繩繩索技術幫您解決吊車、高空作業車、吊籠及鷹架等等.........作業方式無法到達的工作環境,並且保證是安全、有效率的。 極限國際工程 對業主除了有施工品質的責任外,最大的責任是『安全』。 不論是建商或是住戶都不希望自己的公寓大廈裡發生任何工安意外,極限國際工程為了保障技術員的安全,每次派出的繩索技術員必須為兩名,且其中一名必須為IRATA LEVEL 3。這是為了要確保每次工程繩索技術使用的安全性。
- 重型機具吊車容易受到電線杆及電線的阻礙,導致完全無法或是不易施工。極限工程的工業繩索技術員透過繩索系統架設可將招牌字拖拉吊掛起而取代吊車作業。